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Manuscript Collections: C

Manuscript List-C

Cadbury (Henry J. & Lydia) Papers, 1937-1974  MS 23 MORE INFO
Notes, transcripts, and proofs relating to Cadbury's published writings on Quakerism, Quaker anti-slavery writings, and North Carolina Friends.  1 document box

Campbell (Eva G.) Papers, 1915-1937  MS 24
Guilford College Professor of Biology from 1924-1961.  11 items

Cannon (Joseph G.) Papers, 1906-1916  MS 26 MORE INFO
Letters and speeches concerning Joseph Cannon's connection to Guilford College and Guilford County.  8 items

Carnegie (Andrew) Papers, 1908  MS 311
Correspondence between L. L. Hobbs, J. Elwood Cox, and the secretary of the Carnegie Corporation concerning money to build the Guilford College Library (photostats).  45 items

Carroll (Kenneth) Collection, 1692-1905  MS 429 MORE INFO 
Collection of documents compiled by religious historian Kenneth Carroll.  Primarily documents relating to Baltimore Yearly, Quarterly, and Monthly Meetings and meetings associated or in communication with Baltimore Yearly Meeting.   134 items

Carter (Edith Newlin) Papers, 1860  MS 371
Letter to Edith Newlin Carter from her nephew, Eli Newlin, concerning debt of New Garden Boarding School and North Carolina Yearly Meeting's efforts to pay it.  1 item

Carter-Edwards, Deed of Gifts    MS 524

Cartland (Marietta) Papers, 1921  MS 314
Poems of Marietta Cartland (typed originals and copies).  22 items

Caudle (James Robert) Papers, 1917  MS 397
Papers exempting Caudle from military service on grounds of conscientious objection to war.  4 items

Caudle (William B.) Paper, 1950  MS 213
Letter from George Santayana, May 26, 1950.

Chamness (Anthony) Paper, 1863  MS 463
Exemption paper for Anthony Chamness on payment of $100.00 Signed by Randolph County sheriff J.W. Steed.  1 item

Chase (Charles F.) letters, 1838  MS 180
Charles F. Chase to Thomas T. Hunt concerning the hiring of his nephew, James Chase, as a teacher at New Garden Boarding School.  2 items

Chawner, (Chalkley Albertson) Papers, 1836-1845  MS 162 MORE INFO
Assorted pictures, clippings and correspondence of Chalkley Albertson and Sarah Cox Chawner.  1 document box

Child (Isaac) Paper, 1757 & 1766-1767  MS 417
Notebook containing transcripts of four sermons by Isaac Child delivered at Abington Meeting in 1766-1767 and 1757 sermon by Thomas Gothrop given at East Caln Meeting, Chester County, PA.

Civil War Collection, 1860-1865  MS 34  3 items

Clark (Dougan & Asenath) Papers, 1837 & 1844  MS 36
Includes 1837 letter from Sarah C. Hauxhurst, Philadelphia concerning books and staff for New Garden Boarding School.  3 items

Clinard Family Papers MS 574

Coffin (Adaline) Letter, 1863  MS 140
Letter from Luke W. Newsome to Adaline Coffin, reminiscing about their school days at Bloomingdale Academy in Indiana.  1 item

Coffin (Addison) Collection, 1889-1896  MS 38
Writings of Addison Coffin including postcard from Addison to J.W. Woody, gives description of Underground R. R. from Malden, SC to Gallipolis, OH (photostat).  4 items

Coffin (Alethea Flukes) Letter, 1862  MS 218
Letter from Emory D. Coffin to his mother Alethea, describing the sale of his property and his plans to move to TN (photocopy and transcription) and photograph of Alethea Coffin at age 90.

Coffin (Alfred V.) Letter, 1843  MS 220
Letter sent from New Garden, NC to Philadelphia, PA where A.V. Coffin was attending medical lectures.  Many New Garden Meeting names are mentioned.  1 item

Coffin (Gertrude Wilson) Collection, 1905-1966  MS 536 MORE INFO

Collins (John B.) Journals, 1869-1887  MS 240
Books, poems, and drawings by John Collins, teacher, artist, and publisher.  Includes descriptions and illustrations of two different trips to North Carolina and a trip to East Tennessee.

Coltrane Family History    MS 559

Conservative Friends Gatherings Records, 1965-1991  MS 142
Correspondence, attendance lists, and minutes

Conway, Anne Research    MS 552

Cook (Charity) Outline of Giant Hand, 1801  MS 40
Identified as the hand of an Irishman, Patrick Obrian, whom Charity saw in England during her travels in the ministry.  1 item

Cook (Thomas H. Sr.) Paper, 1865, 1870-75  MS 221
Diary kept by T. H. Cook during the years he was associated with Oakdale Cotton Mills, Jamestown, NC.  Records information about mill operation, weather, and local events (photocopy of typescript).  1 item

Cope (Henry) Letter, 1830  MS 65 ***in file labeled as 512
Written by Henry Cope to his wife Rachel Reeve Cope, from New Garden, NC, while he was attending NC Yearly Meeting (photocopy).  1 item

Copeland (Allie Marsh) Papers, 1913  MS 41
Essay entitled "American Women in Literature" with cover letter to Mary M. Hobbs.  2 items

Copeland (Mary Hazard) Papers, 1831-1972 MS 426 MORE INFO

Cox, C. Waldo, Oral History Tapes    MS 431

Cox, Catherine, Letters    MS 501

Cox (Clara I.) Papers, 1929-1932  MS 191 MORE INFO
Correspondence and newsletters relating to the Commission on Interracial Cooperation and other interracial organizations.   1 document box

Cox (Gurney L.) Papers, 1818-1933  MS 467 MORE INFO
Letters, clippings, and notebook of Gurney Leonidas Cox of Randolph Co. NC.  9 items

Cox, Isham MS 234

Cox (J. Elwood) Papers, 1897-1932  MS 226 MORE INFO
Papers of High Point, NC businessman, Quaker leader, politician, and public servant J. Elwood Cox.  Includes correspondence, financial papers and ledgers, speeches, legal papers, clippings, and reports relating to Cox's business and civic interests, Guilford College, and North Carolina Yearly Meeting.

Cox (Jonathan E.) Papers, 1818-1895  MS 358
Letters and estate settlement papers.  2 document boxes

Cox (Joseph Dundas) Papers, 1878-1962  MS 147 MORE INFO
Correspondence, reports, memos, and writings pertaining to the Cox, Dundas, and related families and to Guilford College.

Cox (Joseph John, M. D. & Mary Dundas) Papers, 1903-1927  MS 145
Papers of physician, furniture manufacturer, and High Point mayor Joseph John Cox and his wife.  Includes memorials, obituaries, and letters to Mrs. Cox.  39 items

Cox (Joseph J.) Papers, 1972-1985  MS 494

Cox (Levi) Papers, 1830-1914  MS 315 MORE INFO
Legal papers, business records, personal correspondence and documents pertaining to Holly Spring Monthly Meeting and the Society of Friends in Randolph County, NC.  1.75 linear feet

Cox (Samuel Doak)  MS 519

Cox-White Letters, 1882-1887  MS 421
Letters between Thomas Parker White and Mary S. Cox.

Craven (Braxton) Paper, 1841  MS 45
Recommendation that Braxton Craven be allowed to attend New Garden Boarding School.   1 item

Craven (F. Duval) Papers, 1935-1967  MS 387
Papers relating to the Craven family, especially Eli Asbury Craven, Eli Franklin Craven, and F. Duval Craven, and reflecting Duval Craven's involvement with Guilford College, Greensboro Monthly Meeting, Westtown School, and the Civilian Public Service Board during the establishment of CPS camps.  1.5 linear feet

Crenshaw (John Bacon) Papers, 1862-1865  MS 235 [see images and transcripts online at]
Correspondence between Crenshaw and Friends who were conscripted into the Confederate Army and letters from prominent NC Friends about Crenshaw's efforts to aid conscientious objectors.  Includes letters relating to Himileus Hockett and Tilghman Vestal.   271 items MORE INFO

Crider (Mrs. E. C.) Photograph Album, 1860-1937  MS 469
Includes forty-nine photographs taken from 1860-1937.  Subjects include members of the Waymire and Hutchins families, Sarah Ann Williams Vestal, and Friends meeting houses in Yadkin County, NC and Montgomery County, OH.  1 item

Crutchfield, Ethel Watkins, Collection    MS 530