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Quaker Archives Fellowships and Awards

Information for researchers seeking funding and awards relating to topics relating to resources in Guilford College's Quaker Archives.

North Carolina Friends Historical Society Research Funding Opportunities

The purpose of the North Carolina Friends Historical Society is to support the collection and preservation of and publish valuable information relative to the history of the Society of Friends in North Carolina and adjacent territories and to work in harmony and cooperation with the Quaker Archives at Guilford College. To that end, the organization sponsors a research fellowship alternate years and selects a recipient for a writing award in years the fellowship is not offer. Individuals can apply for both. The fellowship is designed to support the costs involved in gaining access to unique sources available through the Quaker Archives at Guilford College -- usually through reimbursement of travel expenses. The writing award acknowledges excellence in new contributions relating to the study of southern Quaker history.

NCFHS Hinshaw Fellowship Recipients

Katy Telling, College of William and Mary PhD Student, working on her dissertation tentatively titled Friends Down South: Quakerism, Gender, and Radical Religious Community in the Colonial Carolinas and Virginia.

Stefanie Greenhill, University of Kentucky PhD student, conducting research for her dissertation, Confederate Diaspora, which examines the experiences of white refugees (including Quakers) who fled the Confederacy during the U.S. Civil War.

Elizabeth Bouldin, Visiting Assistant Professor at Converse College, researching project on the intersection of radical religion, the Enlightenment, and notions of community in the formation of a distinctive early modern British Atlantic world and how dissenters negotiated authority and identity across religious and national boundaries.

Kathryn Falvo, a Ph.D. student at The Pennsylvania State University researching Quaker women's travels in the ministry.

Aaron Jerviss, a Ph.D student at the University of Tennesee in Knoxville writing his dissertation on the Civil War in pacifist memory which looks at Quakers, Mennonites, and Brethren from 1865 to 1914.

Courtney Tollison, Assistant Professor of History at Furman University to include Guilford College as a Quaker founded institution in her broader history of integration at private Southern colleges and universities.

Lloyd Lee Wilson, a Master of Arts in Religion student at the Earlham School of Religion completing his thesis entitled, ""The Remnant of Like Faith" -- The First Hundred Years of North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative)."

Michael J. Crawford, historian preparing an edition of the writings of George Walton and studying North Carolina Quaker records in the Revolutionary era to support that project.

Poole Writing Award Winners


Holly C. Shulman, Dolley Madison, Quaker by birth and slave owner by choice


Beulah Gullion, Friends Divided: Willie Frye and the Conflict of Consciences


Mark Chilton, Faith, Rape and Charity: The role of Feminism and Primitivism in the rise and fall of eighteenth-century Quaker Meetings in North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia


Morgan Shahan, Witnessing Peace: Contesting Racial Discrimination in Civilian Public Service Camps, 1941-1946

2014 (two winners)

Mary Browning, The Slaves of George C. Mendenhall of Jamestown, North Carolina
Larry Tise, Taking Up’ Quaker Slaves: The Origins of America’s Slavery Imperative


Randy J. Sparks, “Women Professing Godliness”: Mary Fisher, Sophia Hume, and the Quakers of Colonial Charleston


A Glenn Crothers, "I Felt Much Interest in their Welfare": Quaker Philanthropy and African Americans in Antebellum Northern Virginia