Hege Library & Learning Technologies

HIST 221: North Carolina History (Thuesen)

Exhibit Creation Tips

As HIST 221 students, you are serving as the curators and exhibit developers to create an exhibit featuring Guilford's experience of 1968.

Questions to Consider

What is the purpose of the exhibit?


What are the key points you hope viewers will take with them from your exhibit?

What questions are you asking?

Are these questions you are able to answer or are you providing options for multiple answers?


Who is the intended audience?


How do you anticipate their interacting with the exhibit?

What type of experience do you hope to curate for them?


How do you envision presenting the exhibit?


What types of materials are you planning to feature?

What tools do you have to bring your ideas to life?


Are there other questions you need to ask or have answered by other team members?