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MS 235 John B. Crenshaw Papers

Correspondence between Crenshaw and Friends (many from North Carolina) who were conscripted into the Confederate Army and sought help in gaining their release during the U.S. Civil War (1861-1865).

Correspondence, Folder G

G1 Laughlin, S.W. and Hill, J.A., near Petersburg, 9-6-64, to Marlborough and Springfield Monthly Meetings, describing their ill-treatment and intention to stand firm. Request aid in obtaining release; they were taken despite the fact that they had papers.

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G2 Jackson, S.S., 9-11-64, case of Felix Pool, requests aid in obtaining his exemption, endorsement from William Low.

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G3 King, Francis T., Baltimore, 9-14-64, concerns obtaining travel permits for 3 men and 3 women friends to attend Baltimore Yearly Meeting, explains conditions under which they will be granted.

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G4 Newlin, Joseph, New Market, 9-15-64, describes difficulties of new members in obtaining exemptions, even when they had paid the exemption tax, especially cases of Seth W. Laughlin and Joshua A. Hill.

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G5 Mendenhall, Delphina, Jamestown, 9-15-64, special request to get passpert for Amy Alston, slave, to join her husband in Ohio. Mentions enabling a family of nine (white women and children) to go to Indiana.

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Hales, W.T., Danville, 10-2-64, requests permission to see Crenshaw. A conscripted "new friend", he expresses desire to see Isham Cox.

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Hales W.T., camp near Petersburg, asks Crenshaw to write and tell him if he has any chance of being released.

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Mendenhall, Delphina, Jamestown, 10-7-64, Tilgham Vestal requests aid in getting a transfer to New Garden to seek employment in pottery. Letter describes difficulty in getting earthenware pots. Corrects Crenshaw on the matter of preparation of papers for emigrants.

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G9 Mendenhall, Delphina, Jamestown, 10-14-64, requests Crenshaw to send Tilgham Vestal his "Discharge" which was left in the hands of the Governor. Crenshaw may retain the original but certified copy should be sent to Vestal to protect him from arrest by militia officers. Concerned about Vestal's employment, requests that he not be transferred away from the area and not do Government work. Again he refers to great need for potters and pottery.

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G10 Moore, L.J., Dudley, NC, 10-14-64, requests aid in obtaining a release for Franklin Foldsom.

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G11 Macy, Henry, Guilford County, 10-14-64, writes on behalf of "new Friends" (those who had joined since 10-11-62) who were especially liable to conscription. Asks for information about recent ruling. Refers to Prospectus for the Southern Friend and considers that it would attract many subscribers.

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G12 Newlin, Joseph, New Market, 10-17-64, Asks for information abouth Seth Laughlin and Joshua Hill (conscripted with papers). Asks how he can help in obtaining their release. Gives names of 2 subscribers to Southern Friend.

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G13 Mendenhall, Delphina, cover letter for petition to grant release and exemption to William H. Welch.

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G14 Harris, Jonathan, 10-21-64, requests passport for Thomas E. Anderson, a Friend, and his family.

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G15 Hales, W.T., Camp, 34th Reg't, 10-23-64, asks Crenshaw to keep trying to obtain his release. Describes his suffering.

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G16 Worth, Jonathan, Raleigh, 11-3-64, acknowledges receipt of letter but notes failure of promised copies of Southern Friend containing the most recent information about the law relting to non-combatants. Notes the death of Abijah Macon near Richmond, a non-combatant who had been conscripted. Expresses desire to aid c.o.'s any way possible. Notes revocation of Charles Macon's certificate.

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G17 Starbuck, Lewis, Clerk, Dover Monthly Meeting, Guilford County, 11-9-64, certificate of membership for William H. Watson, signed also by A.H. Lindsay, J.P. and Lyndon Swaim, Clerk of Court.

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G18 Stuart, Henry and Bell, William H., Back Creek Monthly Meeting; Milikan, Clark and Beckerdite, John R., Marlborough Monthly Meeting, Richmond, 11-13-64, non-combatant conscripts request aid in obtaining release.

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G19 Moffitt, David V., Thomasville, Davidson County, NC, 11-13-64, concerns son, David L. Moffitt, requests aid in obtaining release.

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G20 Stuart, Bel, Millikan, Beckerdite (same as G18), Staunton, VA, 11-15-64.

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G21 Mendenhall, Delphina, Jamestown, 11-16-64, encloses exemption papers and certificate of membership for Adolphus E. Stanley. Requests passports for him and his family to move to Ohio.

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G22 Pool, H.B., and Millikan, D.W., Richmond, 11-17-64, "new Friends", request aid in obtaining release.

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G23 Stuart, Bell, Milikan, Beckerdite, camp near New Market, VA, 11-19-64, want to know what has been done for them and if anything can be done.

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G24 Hales, W.T., 11-22-64, describes his condition, in guardhouse near Petersburg, asks Crenshaw to write and/or visit him.

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G25 Pool, Henry B. and Millikan, Daniel W., 11-29-64, ask Crenshaw's assistance in payment of tax so they can be released from service.

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G26 Johnson, Thomas W., 12-4-64, concerns subscriptions to the Southern Friend. Describes sufferings of William A. Burgiss and requests Crenshaw to go see him.

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G27 Hales, W.T., camp near Petersburg, 12-14-64, acknowledged receipt of letter from Crenshaw. Describes suffering and health, both bad. Asks to be informed about what Congress decided about non-combatants.

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G28 Hollowell, John, Wayne County, NC, 12-5-64, concerns payment of the tax for William F. Foldsom and subscription to the Southern Friend for Isaac H. Cox and William T. Coxc, Dudley Depot, Wayne County.

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G29 Moffitt, David V., Thomasville, NC, 12-6-64, concerns son Lindly (David Lindly Moffitt?), asks attention to his case.

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G30 Harris, Jonathan, 12-6-64, reports helping Delphina Mendenhall transport slaves to Ohio. Refers to subscriptions to the Southern Friend for "Dunkard Friends" paid by Christian Roberson. Requests passports to Indiana for Lawrence R. Lancaster and wife Rebecca, aged about 75 years, Katharine White (their daughter), aged 47 years, and two daughters, Marinda and Cindarilla (15), and Rebecca Lancaster, Jr. (aged 20) and her son (aged 19 months). Reports about 50 students in attendance at boarding school.

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G31 Stuart, Bell, Millikan and Beckerdite, camp near Waynesboro, VA, 12-8-64, complain of not receiving more letters. Request information and aid. Mention letter from Isham Cox.

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G32 Foldsom, William Franklin, 12-14-64, cover letter for his papers. Requests aid in obtaining discharge as non-combatant.

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G33 Moffitt, David V., Thomasville, 12-21-64, requests aid for son.

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G34 Rush, A.G., 12-22-64, concerns subscription to the Southern Friend.

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G35 Osborne, William T., New Salem, Randolph county, 12-22-64,, requests passport to Indiana to join brothers.

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G36 Burgiss, William A., camp near Petersburg, 12-25-64, requests Crenshaw come to camp and help obtain discharge. Says his life is being threatened.

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G37 Mendenhall, Delphina, 12-30-64, concerns failure of A.E. Stanley to receive passport via Isham Cox.

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Transcription for Folder G