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Hege Library & Learning Technologies

Hege Library - MISO Survey Guide: Mission

MISO: Measuring Academic Commons Service Outcomes

The MISO Survey is a web-based quantitative survey designed to measure how faculty, students, and staff view library and computing services in higher education.

During the 2017 - 2018 academic year, Hege Library administered MISO to a cross-section of current Guilford students, faculty, and staff.

The MISO Survey addresses the following research questions:

  • What services and resources are important to our academic community, and how successfully do our organizations deliver them?
  • How effectively do we communicate with our campus communities about our services and resources?
  • What additional skills do members of our community wish to learn, and how do they prefer to learn them?
  • Which software and hardware tools are in use, and which of these tools do they own?  Which do we need to provide to support academic endeavors in the community?
  • What roles do our community members play on campus?  What demographic factors identify them?
  • What benchmarks can be established for excellent delivery of library and computing services?


Hege Library Mission Statement: Revising and Re-envisioning

Open the document attached below to see how the Academic Commons staff are re-envisioning Hege Library's Mission statement. The original statement (revision drafts are included in the attached document):

"Hege Library leads the Guilford College community in identifying, locating, evaluating and gaining access to the full range of information available. The library’s promotion of information literacy advances the college’s mission of developing critical thinkers and principled problem solvers.

The library acquires, organizes, maintains and preserves a quality collection of intellectual resources that enhances Guilford’s academic program in an environment conducive to the pursuit of an excellent liberal arts education grounded in Quaker values."