Service Alert
About licenses
Although Kanopy is different from Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon they do share one similarity – they only license content, they do not sell content. When we purchase a license from Kanopy or any other streaming video provider, we are essentially leasing the content, but do not own the content. Licenses permit access for a defined period of time; in the case of Kanopy, it is a 1-year license. Our licenses with Kanopy permit individual viewing from on or off-campus and course-related screenings. Please note: not all films are licensed for public performance so please consult with Discovery, Systems, and Digital Strategies Librarian, Liz Wade, if you are planning a group or campus screening.
Who can request a film on Kanopy? Instructors may request required films for courses or co-curricular needs. Students should contact their instructors as the library is not able to accept requests directly from students.
What do I do if I want to assign a film for next semester?
Submit your request. The earlier the better so that we can budget for it. We will try to accommodate your requests as best as we can.
What can I request from Kanopy?
The library will only lease films for course or approved co-curricular use. We will not lease films for recreational or general viewing. Where possible, we ask you to consider using films from our other streaming media collections, free streaming media options, or the library's DVD collection. This helps to ensure that funding is available for online courses, for films only available via Kanopy, and for individuals in need of closed captioning. Please note that licenses cost between $120 - $280 per film per year.
How do I request a license for a new Kanopy film?
If you click on a film title in Kanopy and see the Kanopy request form, we don’t currently have access. All you need to do is fill out the request form and it will be sent to the library to process. Please make your request at least 3 working days before you need the film – a week is better. In your request message, please include the following information.
The course name and number for which you will use the film OR if you need the film for academic research purposes
Whether you would like a 1 or a 3 year lease. Base this on your anticipated course offerings and use of the film. We understand plans change.
What happens after I make the request? How long will it take to get the film?
The request is forwarded to Access and Information Services Librarian Liz Wade. She will double check that we don’t already own the title in another streaming media collection. After that, she will make the purchase in Kanopy as funds permit. It takes at least one working day for the order to be processed and the film to be available. If you make a request on the weekend or after hours, it will not be ordered until the next working day. Once the film is available, a librarian will email you a link to your film. It will also be added to the library's catalogue.
How do I find media options to use in my classes?
The best thing to do is to search the library's catalogue or the streaming media guide. All of our various streaming media and DVD offerings are included, so you don’t have to search multiple websites.
More questions?
Please contact Discovery, Systems, and Digital Strategies Librarian, Liz Wade.
Kanopy Request Form
You will now see this form appear for any films that the library is not currently leasing. In the message part please include the course name and number for which you will use the film OR if you need the film for academic research purposes.