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Rennertshofen by Bcher Gruppe; Bucher Gruppe (Editor)Aus Wikipedia. Nicht dargestellt. Auszug: Rennertshofen is a municipality in the district of Neuburg-Schrobenhausen in Bavaria in Germany. ...
Call Number: Ebook, click to view link.
ISBN: IntroductiontoPublicHealth
Publication Date: 2010-07-01
Introduction to Community and Public Health by Manoj Sharma; Paul W. Branscum; Ashutosh AtriLearn the basics of the five core areas of community and public health Introduction to Community and Public Health covers the basics in each area of community and public health as identified by the Association of Schools of Public Health. In a student-friendly approach, authors Manoj Sharma, Paul W. Branscum, and Ashutosh Atri discuss epidemiology, biostatistics, social and behavioral sciences, environmental health, and healthy policy and management. Written to serve both graduate and undergraduate public health students, as well as to help prepare for the Certified in Public Health (CPH) exam, Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) exam and Master certified in Health Education Specialist (MCHES) exam, the book covers each of these five core disciplines, plus other important topics such as: Population dynamics and control Air, water, and noise pollution, and other environmental issues Program planning, budgeting, management, and evaluation Systems thinking and leadership in community and public health Students will gain insight into the descriptive, inferential, and analytical aspects of community and public health, as well as models, methods, and theories in health education and health promotion. Introduction to Community and Public Health provides the foundation necessary to build the skills of tomorrow's community and public health leaders.
Call Number: Ebook, click link to view.
ISBN: 9781118448373
Publication Date: 2014-07-22
Race, Ethnicity, and Health by Lydia A. Isaac (Editor); Thomas A. LaVeist (Editor)Race, Ethnicity and Health, Second Edition, is a new and critical selection of hallmark articles that address health disparities in America. It effectively documents the need for equal treatment and equal health status for minorities. Intended as a resource for faculty and students in public health as well as the social sciences, it will be also be valuable to public health administrators and frontline staff who serve diverse racial and ethnic populations. The book brings together the best peer reviewed research literature from the leading scholars and faculty in this growing field, providing a historical and political context for the study of health, race, and ethnicity, with key findings on disparities in access, use, and quality. This volume also examines the role of health care providers in health disparities and discusses the issue of matching patients and doctors by race. There has been considerable new research since the original manuscript's preparation in 2001 and publication in 2002, and reflecting this, more than half the book is new content. New chapters cover: reflections on demographic changes in the US based on the current census; metrics and nomenclature for disparities; theories of genetic basis for disparities; the built environment; residential segregation; environmental health; occupational health; health disparities in integrated communities; Latino health; Asian populations; stress and health; physician/patient relationships; hospital treatment of minorities; the slavery hypertension hypothesis; geographic disparities; and intervention design.
Call Number: Ebook, click link to view.
ISBN: 9781118086988
Publication Date: 2012-09-26
Public Health Yearbook 2016 by Joav MerrickIn this Public Health Yearbook 2016 present you with the epidemiology of arboviruses in Zambia, social work and health inequalities, papers on the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission among adolescents in English speaking Caribbean and many more papers on current public health issues. We bring you paper from the Social Work and Health Inequalities Network (SWHIN) created to combat the causes and consequences of unjust and damaging, socially-produced health inequalities on an international basis. This is accomplished through the sustaining of a global network of social work researchers, educators, practitioners, policy makers, managers, and others working together to promote research, discussion, and action around the world. This global network aims to exchange information and resources (e.g., research evidence, policy statements, systematic reviews of literature, relevant and emerging theories and practice models); collaborate on research and publication; develop and exchange examples of good practice, including good research praxis; develop and exchange ideas on teaching about health inequalities at all curriculum levels; and influence policy making wherever possible. We hope this Yearbook and the research will be of interest to our readers.
Call Number: Ebook, click link to view.
ISBN: 9781536109566
Publication Date: 2017-01-01
Public Health by Joav MerrickPublic health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations (public and private), communities and individuals. The mission of public health is the fulfillment of society's interest in assuring the conditions which make people healthy. In the twentieth century, one of the improvements in public health has been an increased life expectancy in the developed world. However, we have also seen other achievements in the provision of vaccinations, motor-vehicle safety, safer workplaces, control of infectious diseases, decline in deaths from coronary heart disease and stroke, safer and healthier foods, healthier mothers and babies, and family planning and fluoridation of drinking water. There has been some positive trends in recent years in developed countries, such as less smoking, more physical activity and better vaccination status. Still, drinking, obesity, violent crime and lack of health insurance are some challenging areas in public health. We need to apply what we have learned and know now in order to reduce health inequality in our nations in the future. We also need to use advanced technology to improve health and address new health issues as they emerge over time; it is imperative that people are ready to intervene and minimize adverse effects of new diseases at all times.
Call Number: Ebook, click link to view.
ISBN: 9781634846301
Publication Date: 2016-01-01
Public Health and Community Nutrition by Elizabeth EilenderPoor quality dietary habits are one of the most pressing public health concerns of our time. As a society, we are faced with the paradox of malnutrition and overconsumption existing side-by-side. Many people in our communities deal with the stark reality of food insecurity coupled with a reliance on inexpensive, nutrient-poor calories that contribute to the nationwide prevalence of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. As a resource for both students and practitioners, Public Health and Community Nutrition provides an overview of how social determinants of health¾socioeconomic factors that influence a population's or an individual's well-being¾contribute to the existence of health disparities in the United States. Now more than ever, diet and health experts are needed to address these 21st-century public health challenges that require specific professional competencies related to nutritional assessment, knowledge of food assistance and support options, and nutrition education skills that are appropriate for targeted audiences.
Call Number: Ebook, click link to view.
ISBN: 9781606508701
Publication Date: 2016-09-28
Public Health Law by Lawrence O. Gostin; Lindsay F. WileyLawrence O. Gostin's seminal Public Health Law is widely acclaimed as the definitive statement on public health law at the turn of the twenty-first century. In this bold third edition, Gostin is joined by Lindsay F. Wiley to analyze major health threats of our time such as chronic diseases, emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, bioterrorism, natural disasters, opiod overdose, and gun violence. The authors draw on constitutional law, administrative law, local government law, and tort law to develop their conception of law as a tool for protecting the public's health. The book creates an intellectual framework for modern public health law and supports that framework with illustrations of the scientific, political, and ethical issues involved. In proposing innovative solutions for the future of the public's health, Gostin and Wiley's essential study provides a blueprint for public and political debates to come. New issues covered in this edition: * Corporate personhood rights raised in response to regulations of tobacco, food and beverages, alcohol, firearms, prescription drugs, and marijuana. * Local government authority to protect the public's health. * Deregulation and harm reduction as modes of public health law intervention. * Taxation, spending, and alteration of the socioeconomic environment as modes of public health law intervention. * Access to health care as a strategy for protecting the public's health. * Taxation, spending, licensing, zoning, and shared-use strategies for chronic disease prevention. * The public health law perspective on violence and injury prevention. * Health justice as a framework for reducing health disparities and protecting the public's health.
Call Number: Ebook, click link to view.
ISBN: 9780520958586
Publication Date: 2016-02-02
Public Health and Epidemiology at a Glance by Margaret Somerville; Kumaran Kalyanarama; Rob AndersonFirst Prize in Public health in the 2017 BMA Medical Book Awards Public Health and Epidemiology at a Glance is a highly visual introduction to the key concepts and major themes of population health. With comprehensive coverage of all the core topics covered at medical school, it helps students understand the determinants of health and their study, from personal lifestyle choices and behaviour, to environmental, social and economic factors. This fully updated new edition features: * More coverage of audit and quality improvement techniques * Brand new sections on maternal and child health, and health of older people * New chapters on social determinants of health and guideline development * Expanded self-assessment material This accessible guide is an invaluable resource for medical and healthcare students, junior doctors, and those preparing for a career in epidemiology and public health
Fat Politics by Shaun Nichols; J. Eric OliverIt seems almost daily we read newspaper articles and watch news reports exposing the growing epidemic of obesity in America. Our government tells us we are experiencing a major health crisis, with sixty percent of Americans classified as overweight, and one in four as obese. But how valid are these claims? In Fat Politics, J. Eric Oliver shows how a handful of doctors, government bureaucrats, and health researchers, with financial backing from the drug and weight-loss industries, have campaigned to create standards that mislead the public. They mislabel more than sixty million Americans as "overweight," inflate the health risks of being fat, and promote the idea that obesity is a killer disease.In reviewing the scientific evidence, Oliver shows there is little proof that obesity causes so much disease and death or that losing weight is what makes people healthier. Our concern with obesity, he writes, is fueled more by social prejudice, bureaucratic politics, and industry profit than by scientific fact. Misinformation pushes millions of Americans towards dangerous surgeries, crash diets, and harmful diet drugs, while we ignore other, more real health problems. Oliver goes on to examine why it is that Americans despise fatness and explores why, despite this revulsion, we continue to gain weight.Fat Politics will topple your most basic assumptions about obesity and health. It is essential reading for anyone with a stake in the nation's--or their own--good health.