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40 Year Retrospective: Women's Studies to Women's, Gender, Sexuality Studies at Guilford College

Project of the Alumni Office, Department of Women's Gender, and Sexuality Studies, and the Center for Principled Problem Solving documenting the 40th anniversary of the establishment of a Women's Studies Program at Guilford College.

40 years of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Guilford

Welcome to the e-portfolio designed to tell “the Big Story” of 40 years of Women’s Studies and Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Guilford.  For many months we have been reflecting, writing, surveying and sharing personal experiences about our involvement in this endeavor. By clicking on the category of your choice and then the names of the persons you select you will be able to read their responses – some very brief and some extensive essays. At this point, October 2015, we have a collection of 88 different statements (new) and 15 selections from Faculty Interviews and results of two surveys of Alumni done in 1999 and 2001. Plan to read this at several different times or arrange a big block of time for a huge reading binge! Either way you will be informed, entertained and quite amazed!

This portfolio has been sponsored by the Alumni Office, Center for Principled Problem Solving, and Women’s Studies/Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. IT IS A WORK IN PROGRESS; IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING YOU WANT TO SHARE, SEND IT TO ENJOY, SHARE and CELEBRATE!

As you navigate through the ePortfolio there will be links. Just click to read and enjoy!

Carol Stoneburner and Zana Hicks