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Hege Library & Learning Technologies

Researching Guilford College

This guide highlights both published and unpublished materials relating to the history of Guilford College and introduces some of the major collections available in the College Archives.

Tips for Success

  • All publications listed on this page are located in Hege Library 117 and available whenever the building is open. 
  • Library use only copies are shelved immediately to the right as you enter the room. 
  • In some cases, there is also an additional copy you can check out with your Quaker card.


Founded by Friends: The Quaker Heritage of Fifteen American Colleges and Universities, edited by John W. Oliver Jr., Charles L. Cherry, and Caroline L. Cherry.  Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2007. 
[Quaker] LC571 .F68 2007

Girls Are of Infinite Importance: Life in Mary Hobbs Hall at Guilford College. Greensboro, NC: Fisher-Harrison, 1977.
[Quaker] LD 2091 G434 G57 1977

Guilford: A Quaker College, by Dorothy Lloyd Gilbert. Greensboro, NC: Jos. J. Stone and Company, 1937
[Quaker] LD 2091 G42 1937

Guilford College on the Strength of 150 Years, by Alexander R. Stoesen. Greensboro, NC: Board of Trustees, Guilford College. 1987
[Quaker] LD 2091 G42 S84 1987

Pride in the Past, by Herb Appenzeller. Greensboro, NC: Quaker Club, Guilford College, 1987. (History of Guilford College Athletics)
[Quaker] GV 691 G42 A6 1987