Service Alert
Hege Library provides access to databases on a wide variety of subjects areas. In order to save time and be more efficient with your research, it is useful to know which databases best align with your research topic. To help you with this, we have created a Databases by Subject page. Browse through the list of subjects and click on the ones related to your topic. You will be directed to a page containing links to the databases best suited for your search.
To access Databases by Subject, click here.
You might need to access news content for your research project. Hege Library has a News Datadases page, where you will find links to resources dedicated to journalistic content. Some of these databases contain archival material dating as far back as the 17th Century, while others provide access to the latest news stories from around the world.
Access our News Datadases page by clicking here.
Our research guides are divided into four categories:
To browse our online research guides, click here.