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Hege Library & Learning Technologies

ART 100: Introduction to the Visual Arts

Getting Started

This guide has been created to help you find resources to use in the course.  This is what you'll find:

  • "Find Books" - this has your course textbook information, including where you can find copies of the books in the library.  There are also other resources that have been selected specifically for your use.
  • "Find Articles" - this is a list of databases related to Art - you should use them if you need to find scholarly journal articles or newspaper articles.  This is also where you can find most of your course readings.
  • "Find Web Sources" - this contains instructions for using ArtSTOR and other web sources related to the course.
  • "Cite Sources" - information about citations and plagiarism.
  • "Research, Tutoring & Writing Support" - links to help.
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