You should include a citation if you:
1. Use a direct quote
2. Summarize an outside source
3. Paraphrase an idea, quote, or passage from someone else
If you are unsure about whether you need to cite, go ahead and do it. Better safe than sorry when it comes to avoiding plagiarism.
For Chicago Style citations, please consult the Chicago Manual of Style or A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations in the library catalog, and we recommend the Purdue OWL online guide.
Tutorial Videos from Atomic Learning (log in with your Guilford credentials):
See the full Chicago/Turabian tutorial here.
According to Purdue Owl, a web-based citation source used by students and researchers across the globe, you need to cite things that fit any of the following descriptions:
Many people believe that they do not need to cite Creative Commons works, and this is false. Any work that you use must be cited, and this includes media.
Specific rules about citing different types of media differ depending on the citation style that you are using. MLA, APA, Chicago, CSE, and ASA all have different ideas about how media should be cited. You can find copies of all of these style manuals at the research desk, located in Hege Library on the main level.
Web-based guides for citing media:
Creative Commons image citations can be challenging for many people, because it isn't always clear exactly who the image was produced by. Use this guide to help you decide how best to cite these images.
If you have questions about citations, feel free to email for more information.
Guilford defines plagiarism broadly as presenting the interpretations, wording, images or original conceptions of others as one’s own without appropriate acknowledgment. Individual faculty members determine what constitutes “appropriate acknowledgment” within the context of their courses, either by specifically stating requirements or by acknowledging the standard practice within a given discipline. The charge of plagiarism applies to any and all academic work whether done inside or outside of the classroom and whether submitted as a rough draft or a final product (Guilford College Academic Honor Code, Office of the Academic Dean).
The resources below instruct your use of others' work and ideas: