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Hege Library & Learning Technologies

Teaching Modes

This guide provides resources and guidance for faculty around different possible modes of instruction, including face-to-face, hybrid, and online. We will continue to update this guide throughout the summer, so check back for up

Where to Go If You Need Help

There are resources available on campus to help you think through your planning!

  • Hege Library & Learning Technologies
    • Contact Garrett Collins ( for support with considering teaching modes; teaching online; incorporating digital pedagogy; using Canvas, Zoom, and other tech tools; navigating and selecting digital tools, and more.
    • Contact Liz Wade ( for support with circulating technology (including computers for students in need of them) and with consideration of library collections and materials, both physical and electronic (books & ebooks, articles, streaming media).
  • Center for Principled Problem Solving & Excellence in Teaching (CPPSET)
    • Contact Mark Justad ( for support with incorporating experiential/active learning, community-based learning, undergraduate research, project-based/problem-based learning, and collaborative learning into your pedagogy, no matter your mode.

Conversations & Learning Opportunities

Join us for conversations about pedagogy and additional learning opportunities as you plan. Events are listed on the calendar below: