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Hege Library & Learning Technologies

Canvas for Instructors

This guide provides an overview of Canvas, Guilford College's LMS, for instructors who use it as an online home for their courses.

Canvas Browser Requirements

Canvas runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, or any other computer operating system with a modern web browser.

Supported browsers

Canvas supports the last two versions of every browser release. We highly recommend updating to the newest version of whatever browser you are using as well as the most up-to-date Flash plug-in (Best Browsers for Canvas).

Using Canvas on Mobile Devices

Canvas on mobile browsers

Canvas does not officially support mobile browsers (e.g., iOS Safari, Chrome App, Firefox App). When using a mobile device (such as a tablet or smartphone), it is highly recommended that you use the mobile apps instead of trying to access Canvas from the device browser, as this can cause issues.

Canvas iOS and Android apps

Canvas recommends using the Canvas by Instructure app: Canvas Teacher for instructors, and Canvas Student for students. The app is compatible with the following mobile operating systems, on both tablets and mobile phones:

  • iOS 12.0+
  • Android 6.0+

The app can be downloaded from the Play Store on Android or the App Store on iOS devices. Search for "Canvas Teacher" and install.