Banks, John, and James Schaffer. Walking Cheerfully over the Andes: the Quaker Study Tour to Bolivia, Summer 1995 (West Kirby, Wirral, England: Quaker Bolivia Press, 1996). Quaker Ref BV2853.B5 .W34 1996
Cammack, Phyllis. Missionary Moments: Sixty Diverse "Moments" in the Life of a South American Missionary (Newberg, Ore.: Barclay Press, 1966). Quaker Ref BV2853.P6 C3 1966
Chapman, Ralph. Bolivian Friends: From Mission to Yearly Meeting (Newberg, Ore.: Friends Missionary Literature Service, 1980)
Quaker BX7672.B5 C48
Stansell, Ron. Missions by the Spirit: Learning from Quaker Examples (Newberg, Ore.: Barclay Press, 2009).
Quaker BV2535.S73 M5 2009
Haines, Marie. Remembering 75 Years of History (Newberg, Ore.: Barclay Press, 1967). - Oregon Yearly Meeting, with accounts of missionaries to Bolivia and Peru. Quaker Ref BX7607.O7 H3