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Hege Library & Learning Technologies

For Faculty: Online Teaching

This guide provides guidance and resources for Guilford College Faculty teaching online classes.

Synchronous Presentations

There are various tools you can use to enable synchronous, virtual presentations. many of these tools can be used to record presentations for later viewing.

Many presentation tools have apps, so students could join using a smartphone or tablet (though you would need to consider data needs and possible alternatives for students without WiFi).

Asynchronous Presentations

There are many options for asynchronous presentations, where students record themselves and share with the instructor (or the entire class). Here are some possible tools:

Students could also record themselves in Zoom or Google Meet/Hangouts, by holding a meeting by themselves, using the record feature, and then sharing the link after the fact.

Another very simple option would be to make a recording from a computer or mobile device, using the Camera application.

Sharing Asynchronous Presentations

There are many different options for sharing asynchronous presentations, which may be videos and have a larger file size (though some presentations, like VoiceThread, live within the application and have their own sharing link). If you are worried about having students upload large videos directly to Canvas and use up course space, students could upload the videos to Google Drive or YouTube (as an unlisted video, which does not show up in search results), then share the link in a Canvas assignment or discussion (so that other students can view it), via a shared class Google Doc (again, so others can view it), or via email.