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Hege Library & Learning Technologies

Hege Library - Strategic Planning Resource Guide

Copyright & Fair Use


Currently, neither Hege Library nor Guilford College maintains specific policies or practices regarding copyright and fair use.  This means there are no established procedures to follow for librarians, or for patrons, and each instance is dealt with "case-by-case" without established consistency. This should receive immediate attention, especially pertaining to the growing emergence of digital scholarship. As the campus center for scholarly materials and instructional technology, the library should be at the forefront of copyright and fair use discussions, advice, and practice to better serve the campus community.  This is a complicated and often avoided subject, but it is essential for us to recognize the need and pilot a solution. The focus of this overview is to establish an institutional policy and to blueprint a comprehensive plan to protect the library and college.

~Jonathan Carter & Liz Wade

Information & Technology Literacies Needs and Trends

Summary and background

The library provides instructional services that are central to supporting academic research and technology.

Considering technology and information literacies, library familiarization activities, and bibligraphic instruction:

"Although the RIS unit is able to have increased meaningful contact through the CCE Personal Librarian, the library instruction staffing model that has been used in years past leaves little potential for growth or focus during a time when student research at Guilford is experiencing a kind of renaissance. RIS would like to propose a new staffing model in which our multi-talented staff who have traditionally not had teaching roles assume teaching roles that provide regularly scheduled support at the Research Help Desk, through Research Consultation, and by teaching Bibliographic Instruction sessions devoted to the First Year Experience 101 course each fall.

In January 2014, the New Media Consortium and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initative (ELI) released their Horizon report, intended to outline emerging technologies in education, challenges associated with technology, and visions for the future of educational technology-essentially, what’s on the horizon. The Horizon report outlined many of the challenges and issues Guilford, and particularly Hege Library, has dealt with over the past few years. This overview focuses on a few areas, some included in the Horizon report, and some identified by librarians as areas that need focus and improvement." ~ The Research & Instructional Services Team: Martha Davis, Jessica Sender, & James Parrigin