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Hege Library & Learning Technologies

Hege Library & Learning Technologies Resources for Accessible and Inclusive Learning (RAIL) Initiative

Fellowship Grants

The RAIL Fellowship is a semester-long  commitment and affords opportunity for faculty, as follows:

  • Faculty Fellows will:

    • Commit to adapting or creating an open access learning resource (a.k.a. OER) and/or adopting no-cost open access learning resources and/or affordable alternatives (total cost per student per course of less than $30) for a course;

    • Participate in recommended educational development and other available opportunities offered either through the College or externally; 

    • Work consultatively with the Discovery, Systems, and Digital Strategies Librarian to develop an alternate learning resources strategy and to assess its effectiveness in accomplishing course objectives;

    • Work collaboratively with other fellows, mentors, and fellowship partners on best practices, policy recommendations, advocacy, and research.

    • Conduct assessment of the students in their class relating to the new required course materials, their academic performance, and other metrics as agreed upon by the fellowship mentors and partners.

    • Deliver a syllabus that uses only open and/or other no- or low-cost materials (representing less than $30 total per student per course).

  •  Grants will be awarded as follows: 

    • $100-$250 for adoption

    • $500-$750 for adaptation

    • $1,000 for creation