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Past Assessments of Hege Library: 2013-2015
- Faculty Needs Assessment, completed in January 2015
- Library Instruction: pre-tests, in-class assignments, and final assignments from a selection of classes over 2014-2015 school year
- Informal focus group with Krista Craven’s JPS 220 class in November 2014 (written observational notes and student presentations)
- Gimlet data (patron interactions) from April 2013-present
- Library website data (LibGuides) from September 2014-present
- Learning Spaces Design: Faculty & Student Surveys (2013-2014)
- MISO Survey: Spring 2014 Results
Past Assessments of Hege Library: 2000-2012
- Hege Library Vital Statistics Guide from 2012-2013 (includes some data from earlier)
- Student and Faculty surveys from 2008-2009
- Library Instruction Evaluation data from 2001-2008
- Collection analyses: Databases/electronic resources
- Annual reports from 2000-2011
- Library Budgets from 2000-2009
- Annual Administrative Assessment Reports (for Guilford IR) from 2004-2010