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Hege Library & Learning Technologies

For Faculty: Resilient Teaching

This guide provides support and gathers resources for faculty on resilient teaching approaches during times of change.


Canvas is Guilford College's online home for classes and coursework: a Canvas course shell is automatically loaded up for all Banner-created courses, and instructors and students are automatically added to their registered courses. You can sign in to Canvas at with your Guilford username and network password.

If you have questions about or experience any issues with Canvas, please put in a Help Desk ticket at or by emailing

Hoonuit, the online database of training modules to which Guilford College subscribes, also has a quick Canvas Instructor training to help you get started. You can log in to Hoonuit at with your Guilford username and network password - more information on Hoonuit and how to use it in your courses is below. Please put in a Help Desk ticket if you experience any issues.


See more information about Zoom, including instructions for getting logged in to your institutional account and setting up meetings, at the library's guide to Zoom.

G Suite for Education

We have a variety of applications freely available to us through our Guilford Google accounts, including:

Google's Teacher Center provides training for educators on how to use many of the G Suite apps mentioned here.

Microsoft Office / Office 365

Reminder: Microsoft Office is still available for free download by all Guilford college students, faculty, and staff. Go to and log in with your Guilford email address and network password to access. See these instructions from ITS for a more detailed walkthrough.

Hoonuit for Virtual Training Modules

Hoonuit in Canvas

Hoonuit, previously known as Atomic Learning, integrates with our Canvas instance: you can share Hoonuit tutorials and resources with students, and even turn them into assignments that feed into your Canvas gradebook based on student completion.

To add a Hoonuit tutorial to a module:

  1. Click the "+" button in the top right corner of the module.
  2. In the dropdown box for choosing what type of content to add to the module, select "External Too."
  3. Select "Atomic Learning LTI."
  4. Then use the search box that appears to search for the content you would like to add.
  5. Click the "+Content" button on the training module you want to add.
  6. When the training module pops up, select the section(s) you would like to add to your Canvas module. Hoonuit defaults to adding all sections to the module, but you can pick and choose specific ones using the checkboxes. You can also choose whether or not to include Assessments.
  7. Once finished, click "Submit."
  8. Review the description of the module as needed, then click "Continue."
  9. Click "Add Item" to add it to your Canvas module. It will now appear as a module item that you can publish or unpublish as needed.

This video showcases the steps for adding a Hoonuit training to a Canvas module.

To turn a Hoonuit tutorial into an assignment:

  1. Create a new Assignment: give it a title and select the grading options.
  2. Under the "Submission Type" dropdown, choose "External Tool."
  3. Click "Find" and select "Atomic Learning LTI."
  4. Then use the search box that appears to search for the content you would like to add.
  5. Click the "+Content" button on the training module you want to add.
  6. When the training module pops up, select the section(s) you would like to add to your Canvas module. Hoonuit defaults to adding all sections to the module, but you can pick and choose specific ones using the checkboxes. You can also choose whether or not to include Assessments.
  7. Once finished, click "Submit."
  8. Review the description of the module as needed, then click "Continue."
  9. Click the "Select" button to finalize adding the training module to the assignment.
  10. Finalize the rest of your assignment settings (due date, etc.) then save the assignment.
  11. If the assignment is a graded one, the students' grades on the Hoonuit assessments will filter into the Canvas gradebook.

For best results, please make sure your browser is up-to-date, and enable cross-site tracking and third party cookies on your browser, per Hoonuit's recommendations. Any students or faculty who experience issues with this should put in a Help Desk ticket at or via email to