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Quaker Records

Active Monthly Meetings

In the Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as Quakers, the monthly meeting is the basic unit, similar to a "church" in other denominations. Friends can meet for worship anywhere and consider the people to be the church. The building is often called a meeting house. Modern Friends usually meet weekly for worship and monthly for business. The term "monthly meeting" (abbreviated MM) applies to both the congregation and to the business meeting. However, some modern evangelical and non-English-speaking congregations use the word "church." New groups that have not yet been recognized as official monthly meetings are called preparative or particular meetings (PM) or worship groups. Except for SAYMA worship groups and a few preparatory meetings for which we have records, the following lists only include official monthly meetings. Most have at some time been affiliated with North Carolina Yearly Meeting, the oldest organization of Friends in the Southeast that at times included South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and some meetings in Virginia. 

Inactive Monthly Meetings


* - An asterisk marks records available via

AFCM - Atlantic Friends Christian Ministries

EFC-ER - Evangelical Friends Church, Eastern Region

FCNC - Friends Church of North Carolina

Ind. - Independent

MM - monthly meeting

NCFF - North Carolina Fellowship of Friends

NCYM - North Carolina Yearly Meeting

NCYM (C) - North Carolina Yearly Meeting (Conservative)

n.d. - no date

Palmetto - Palmetto Friends Gathering

PFF - Piedmont Friends Fellowship

PFYM - Piedmont Friends Yearly Meeting

PM - preparatory meeting, particular meeting

QM - quarterly meeting: a regional group of monthly meetings

SAYMA - Southern Appalachian Yearly Meeting and Association

YM - yearly meeting