Service Alert
Evangelical Friends Churches in North Carolina are actually affiliated with Evangelical Friends International (EFI). EFI-Eastern Region (formerly Ohio Yearly Meeting) includes Piedmont District, with churches in North Carolina and Virginia. Most of these churches have no historical affiliation with North Carolina Yearly Meeting and retain their own records, but some had earlier ties to North Carolina Yearly Meeting, including Quaker Heights. Published minutes of EFI-ER and other publications of EFI are maintained as resources as part of the Quaker Archives commitment to comprehensive writing relating to the Society of Friends whenever possible.
Palmetto Friends Gathering is a fellowship of unprogrammed meetings in South Carolina. Meetings include Aiken Worship Group, Bluffton Worship Group, Charleston MM, Columbia MM, Five Rivers MM, Horry MM, Greenville MM, and Upstate Worship Group. See the Monthly Meetings tab for more information.
Southeastern Yearly Meeting includes unprogrammed Quaker meetings and worship groups in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Cuba, and Managua (and formerly in Nicaragua).