Camden – Kershaw County, S.C. See Fredericksburgh.
Chestnut Creek – Grayson or Carroll County, VA. See Mount Pleasant.
Corinth – Southampton County, VA. Corinth MM does not have its own graveyard. Some members were buried in the Raiford Family Cemetery (VF). Find A Grave lists two Raiford cemeteries in Southhampton County.
Location: 719 W. Greensboro-Chapel Hill Rd., Snow Camp, Alamance County, N.C. 27349
Timeline: Started 1751 (Weeks, Hinshaw). 1798: Indenture (CC). 1801: Deed for 16 acres in then Orange Co. to Cane Creek Monthly Meeting, dated 7-4-1801, Book 2, p. 293. (PA)
Survey: Piedmont North Carolina Cemeteries, Vols. I and II, by Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Hornaday, Jr. (Burlington, N.C.: 1981). Quaker Ref. BX 7649.P53
Cemetery Census: (2006)
Other resources at Quaker Archives: Copies of articles and book extracts; early Cane Creek members in Sesquibicentennial publication, 2000 (CC). Photos, histories (VF). Photo in Sidelights on Williams Family History by Carl Williams (1940), pp. 21, 26.
Current ownership and care: Active monthly meeting.
Location: Union County, South Carolina
Directions from 1980 correspondence: Go south on Route 215 from Union to Santuck (small crossroads community). Turn right (mentions old landmarks) to Route 36. Follow Route 36 for 2-3 miles to intersection of Route 24, turn left on route 24. About a quarter-mile, there’s a sandy trail on the left, almost parallel to Rt. 24. Follow it about a quarter mile, and the cemetery is on the left. (VF)
Timeline: Started under Cane Creek (N.C.) MM 1775; MM 1789 (Hinshaw). Laid down ca. 1808 (Weeks). 1814: Deed of 10 acres from Society of Friends of Cane Creek Meeting House, dated 7-4-1814, to Samuel Peterson, James Dugan, and James Jeter Sr. in then Union District, recorded 5-5-1815. (PA, D)
Survey: Whaley, Mrs. E. D. Sr. Union County Cemeteries: Epitaphs of 18th and 19th Century Settlers in Union County, South Carolina and Their Descendants. Greenville, S.C. A Press, Inc., 1976. Quaker Ref F 277 .U5 W4
Other resources at Quaker Archives: Photos (Pee Dee CC)
Current ownership and care: Unknown
Location: Bladen County, Highway 87 in Council, N.C. (VF) On Cape Fear River, 18 miles below Elizabethtown (Weeks).
Timeline: Started by 1740; laid down ca. 1797 (Weeks). 1753: Two acres “wheron the meetinghouse now stands” bequeathed to Quakers in the will of James Carver. (CC)
Survey: Find A Grave:
Other resources at Quaker Archives: Photos of historical marker dedication, 2001; histories of now Carvers Creek United Methodist Church, Bladen Co. (CC)
Articles, now Carvers Creek United Methodist Church, Bladen Co. (VF)
Current ownership and care: (2001) Carvers Creek United Methodist Church
Location: About one mile north of Rich Square meeting house, off Highway 258 on a gravel road to the left, behind W.H.S. Burgwyn, Sr.’s home (undated). (VF)
Timeline: Started ca. 1873 under Rich Square MM (Weeks).
Survey: List and location of stones, articles (VF)
Find A Grave:
Other resources at Quaker Archives: See also Rich Square VF.
Current ownership and care: Unknown
Location: 7546 Harlow Rd, Archdale, Randolph County, NC
Timeline: Started under Marlboro MM (Weeks) [no date, by 1896].
Survey: Find A Grave:
Other resources at Quaker Archives: ms meeting history (VF)
Current ownership and care: Active monthly meeting
Location: 325 East N.C. 62, Greensboro, Guilford County, N.C.
Timeline: Started in 1757 under New Garden MM; MM 1773 (Hinshaw). 1763: Three acres (or 3 ½ ) and 96 (or 16) poles to trustees for Centre meeting, dated 3-20-1763, recorded in then Rowan Co. Book 5, p. 263. (PA)
Survey: Coltrane, Kay D. and Darlene S. Parsons, Centre Friends Cemetery Records, 1757-February 2007, Guilford County, North Carolina (2007). Quaker Ref. BX 7780.C45 C8 2007
Reynolds, Paul, Centre Friends Meeting Cemetery, Guilford County, North Carolina: Gravestone Records (1983). Quaker Ref. BX 7780.C45 R4
Browning, Mary A., Guilford County Cemeteries, Vol. II: Eastern Section (Greensboro, NC: Guilford County Genealogical Society, 2001). Quaker Ref. F 262.G9 G86 1996
"Centre Friends Cemetery," Guilford County Genealogist 15 (#39, Fall 1987): 19-35
Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Hornaday, Jr. Piedmont North Carolina Cemeteries, Vol. IV (Burlington, NC: 1991). Quaker Ref. BX 7649.P53
List of tombstones, compiled 1935. (CC, VF)
Find A Grave:
RootsWeb: select photos of markers,
Other resources at Quaker Archives: Published histories (booklets), mss histories including “Center Churchyard.” Cemetery booklet with short history (1991). (VF)
Current ownership and care: Active monthly meeting
Location: 531 Raleigh Rd, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514
Timeline: MM 1944. Created Memorial Hillside Garden in 1988 (cremations only).
Survey: Deaths are recorded in the Memorial book, kept in the meeting library.
Current ownership and care: Active monthly meeting
Location: 4433 Greenhill Road, Snow Camp, Chatham County, N.C.
Timeline: Started under Spring MM (Weeks) [no date, by 1896]. Deed for 1 acre to Chatham meeting (Quakers), dated 10-29-1824, possibly not recorded. (PA)
Survey: Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Hornaday, Jr., Piedmont North Carolina Cemeteries, Vol. III (Burlington, NC: 1991). Quaker Ref. BX 7649.P53
Cemetery Census: (2006, updated 2011)
Find A Grave:
Other resources at Quaker Archives: ms meeting history (VF)
Current ownership and care: Active monthly meeting
Location: 120 Pisgah Church Road, Columbia, SC 29203
Timeline: Started ca. 1967. Moved to present location (former Pisgah Methodist Church) in 2012.
Survey: Find A Grave:
Current ownership and care: Active monthly meeting
Location: Guilford County, N.C., 8 miles south of Greensboro (Weeks)
Timeline: Started ca. 1800 under Centre MM (Weeks). 1799: Deed for 4 acres to overseers of Concord meeting dated 8-20-1799, recorded Guilford Co. Book C, p. 90. 1860: Meeting house and land sold (PA, VF). 1861: Transcript excerpt from deed from Meeting of Sufferings of NCYM for a meeting house and lot except an enclosed grave yard, on the waters of Hickory Creek, dated 1 Jan. 1861, Guilford Co. Deed Book 51, p. 503 (CC). 1970: Deed transferred to Concord Meeting (PA, VF).
Survey: Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Hornaday, Jr., Piedmont North Carolina Cemeteries, Vol. IV (Burlington, NC: 1991). Quaker Ref. BX 7649.P53
Find A Grave:
Other resources at Quaker Archives: 1971 ms history and 1999 article mention the cemetery (VF).
Current ownership and care: Active monthly meeting
Location: Wayne County, N.C. "0.55 miles south of St. Rd. 222 on the Airport Rd., and then 0.3 miles east into a field. Or, procede [sic] 0.65 miles north of the intersection of Norwayne School Road, and Airport Road, on Airport Road. Then go 0.3 miles east into a field." (2004, CC)
Timeline: MM 1772; succeeded nearby Falling Creek MM near modern Kinston. Met with Nahunta 1851-1856; succeeded by Nahunta ca. 1856 (Hinshaw, Weeks). 1782: Deed of 2 and 8/121 acres to Quakers, 9 Feb. 1782, Wayne Co., Deed Book 3 (VF).
Survey: No existing markers except memorial marker. "Early Quakers maintained a testimony against 'vain and ostentatious' memorials to the dead, and did not mark their graves." (Peacock Family Association-CC)
Other resources at Quaker Archives: ms draft history, 2004 memorial marker, and Peacock Family Association memorabilia and photos (CC). See also Wayne Co. & Richmond Co. CC files. See also Nahunta.
Last known ownership and care: A 2004 program implied the cemetery was privately owned, with neighbors taking care of it.
Location: Cartaret County, NC, about six miles north of Beaufort (Hinshaw).
Timeline: Started in 1733. Laid down 1841 (Weeks). 1737: Deed to Quakers for 2 (or 3) acres, 9-23-1737, Cartaret Co. Book V, p. 190 (or 198). 1846-1847, conflicting claim; 1855 good title. 1870: land surveyed and graveyard put in order. “Lot includes 6 acres, 3 acres of marsh or under tide-water on the Sound side, and 3 acres graveyard, grove, and poor land. Little value, and not advised to try to sell.” Family and neighbors oppose selling. Deed work through 1873 (PA). 1855: six acres to William H. Davis including “the Quaker graveyard and church as it now stands,” 1 March 1855, [Carteret Co.] Book A.A., p. 331. 1898: Deed from NCYM Trustees to Trustees of Ann Street M.E. Church, South, “for a tract of land on the west side of Newbern Road, and east side of Bell’s Creek,” 15 Oct. 1898, Book N.N., p. 385. (VF)
Survey: Find A Grave:
Other resources at Quaker Archives: Copied history from the Pasquotank County Yearbook (CC). Articles and mss histories – especially “Tuttle’s Grove Church” (VF).
Current ownership and care: Tuttle's Grove Methodist Church