Location: 663 New Salem Road, Randleman, Randolph County, N.C.
Timeline: Started by 1813. Salem PM was affiliated with Marlboro MM, both under Centre MM. Membership declined by 1852. Laid down 1885. (Weeks and Hornaday, below). 1874: Property transferred to Methodist Protestant Church (Hornaday, p. 31).
Survey: Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Hornaday, Jr. Piedmont North Carolina Cemeteries, Vol. IV (Burlington, N.C.), 1991. Quaker Abstract. BX 7649.P53 V4
Find A Grave: https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2153141/new-salem-united-methodist-church-cemetery
Other resources at Quaker Archives: None (except MM minutes)
Current ownership and care: New Salem United Methodist Church
Location: 3226 Randolph Church Rd, Liberty, NC 27298; Randolph County, N.C.
Timeline: Started in 1780, PM under Cane Creek MM. Laid down 1795. (Weeks) Seth Hinshaw wrote that Randolph United Methodist Church, west of Liberty, was on the site.
Teague, Bobbie T. Cane Creek: Mother of Meetings, (Greensboro, N.C.; Cane Creek Monthly Meeting of Friends, North Carolina Friends Historical Society, North Carolina Yearly Meeting of Friends, 1995), pp 27-28. Quaker BX 7780 .C36 T37 1995
Hinshaw, Seth B. Friends at Holly Spring, Meeting and Community, Greensboro, N.C.; North Carolina Friends Historical Society, North Carolina Yearly Meeting, Holly Spring Meeting, 1982), pp 15-16. Quaker BX 7780 .H65 H56 1982
Survey: Find A Grave: https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2548647/randolph-united-methodist-church-cemetery
Last known ownership and care: Randolph United Methodist Church - inactive.
Location: 2421 Lassiter Mill Rd, Asheboro, Randolph County, N.C.
Timeline: MM 1894 (Weeks, Hill).
Survey: Davis, Laverne Brady, Randolph County Cemetery Records, Vol. I, Southwestern Section (Asheboro, NC: Randolph County Genealogical Society, 1996). Quaker Ref F 262.R2 R34
Cemetery Census:(2010) http://cemeterycensus.com/nc/rand/cem087.htm
Find A Grave: https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2223625/science-hill-friends-meeting-cemetery
Other resources at Quaker Archives: Photos of meeting house, history (VF). Photo of cemetery in Eleanor Bell papers, MS 572.
Current ownership and care: Active monthly meeting
Location: 189 Hardy Rd., Siloam, Surry County, N.C.
Timeline: Started 1958 under Westfield MM. MM 1959 (Hill). 1970: Deed transferred to MM (PA).
Survey: Cemetery Census:(2006) http://cemeterycensus.com/nc/surr/cem232.htm
Other resources at Quaker Archives: Photos of meeting house, history (VF)
Current ownership and care: Active monthly meeting
Location: 5239 Quaker Drive, Suffolk, Suffolk City, Virginia
Timeline: MM ca. 1672, Virginia Yearly Meeting, in then Nansemond County, Va. (Weeks)
Survey: Lasley, Elizabeth Hare, Somerton Meeting, Three Hundred Years of Witness, 1972. Quaker Ref BX7780 .S545 L3 (includes Interments in Somerton Friends Cemetery.)
Find A Grave: https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2160433/somerton-friends-meeting-cemetery
Other resources at Quaker Archives: Photos, history (VF)
Current ownership and care: Active monthly meeting
Location: 359 South Fork-Bethel Rd., Snow Camp, Chatham County, N.C.
Timeline: Started 1800/1818. PM 1835 under Spring MM. MM 1897 (Weeks, Hill). 1916: Deed of 2 and 1/3 acres in Albright Township, Chatham Co., known as South Fork Friends Church and Burying Ground, to NCYM Trustees, dated Sept. 1916, Chatham Co. Book 323, p. 405 (D). 1967: Deed transferred to MM to secure a loan (PA).
Survey: Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Hornaday, Jr. Piedmont North Carolina Cemeteries, Vol. III (Burlington, NC: 1991). Quaker Ref. BX 7649.P53
Cemetery Census: (list taken from Piedmont North Carolina Cemeteries, 1991) http://cemeterycensus.com/nc/chat/cem026.htm
Find A Grave: https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2297473/south-fork-friends-church-cemetery
Other resources at Quaker Archives: Photos of meeting house, history, article about Confederate grave (VF)
Current ownership and care: Active monthly meeting
Location: 4033 Plainfield Rd., Sophia, Randolph County, N.C.
Timeline: PM by 1938. MM 1940 (Hill).
Survey: Cemetery Census: (2009) http://cemeterycensus.com/nc/rand/cem082.htm
Find A Grave: https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2151107/south-plainfield-friends-meeting-cemetery
Other resources at Quaker Archives: Photos of meeting house, history (VF)
Current ownership and care: Active monthly meeting
Location: 5810 Fort Ave., Lynchburg, Lynchburg City, Virginia 24502
Timeline: Active by 1757, PM 1858 under South River MM. New meeting house 1795 in then Campbell County (Weeks). This meeting was part of Baltimore Yearly Meeting and never part of North Carolina Yearly Meeting.
Survey: Brown, Douglas Summers, A history of Lynchburg's pioneer Quakers and their meeting house, 1754-1936, 1936. Quaker BX7780.5 .L85 B7 1936 (includes list of names on markers)
Find A Grave: https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2325215/south-river-meeting-house-graveyard
Other resources at Quaker Archives: History, articles and correspondence about meeting house restoration (VF)
Current ownership and care: Quaker Memorial Presbyterian Church
Location: 3323 E. Greensboro-Chapel Hill Rd., Snow Camp, Alamance County, N.C.
Timeline: PM 1773 under Cane Creek MM. MM 1793 (Hinshaw, Weeks). 1790: Deed for 5 and ½ acres (or 5 acres and 84 poles) including Spring meeting-house in then Orange Co., Book 2, p. 326 (PA).
Survey: Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Hornaday, Jr. Piedmont North Carolina Cemeteries, Vol. III (Burlington, N.C.), 1991. Quaker Ref. BX 7649.P53
Cemetery Census: http://cemeterycensus.com/nc/alam/cem013.htm
Find A Grave: https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2212535/spring-monthly-meeting-cemetery
Other resources at Quaker Archives: Newlin, Algie I., Friends "at the Spring" : a history of Spring Monthly Meeting, 1984. Quaker BX7780.S56 N48 1984
Photos, meeting history (VF).
Current ownership and care: Active monthly meeting
Location: 555 E. Springfield Rd., High Point, Guilford County, N.C.
Timeline: Started 1753. PM 1773 under New Garden MM, later (1785) under Deep River MM. MM 1790 (Hinshaw, Hill). 1824: Deed for 3 acres joining the land of Springfield Meeting-house to overseers of Springfield MM, dated 4-14-1824, Guilford Co., Book R, p. 16 (PA).
Survey: Springfield Friends Cemetery, 1780-1991, by Brenda G. Haworth (High Point, NC: Springfield Memorial Association, 1991). Quaker Ref. BX 7780.S562 H38 1991
Find A Grave: https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/1334937/springfield-friends-meeting-house-cemetery
Other resources at Quaker Archives: Photos, history. (VF)
Record Group 19, Springfield Memorial Association.
Haworth, Sarah Richardson, Springfield, 1773-1940 : a history of the establishment and growth of the Springfield Monthly Meeting of Friends (ca. 1940). Quaker BX7780.S562 H38 1940
Current ownership and care: Springfield Memorial Association – annual meetings in August.
Location: Pasquotank County, N.C. at the intersection of Nixonton Road and Pointe Vista Drive, Elizabeth City, NC 27909.
MS “Historical Tour of Quaker Sites” by Carlton Rountree, 1993: Graves were on both sides of the meeting house. (CC: Eastern Quarter file and Wayne Co. and Richmond Co. file)
Timeline: MM by 1699; marriages 1677 (Hinshaw). Laid down 1854 with members transferred to Piney Woods MM (Hinshaw, Weeks).
Correspondence references deeds in Perquimans Co. Book A, no. 236 (1704); and Book A, no. 260 (1705 Old Style/1706 New Style); Pasquotank Co. Book A, pp 354-355 (1725); Book P, p. 419 (1802, graveyard); Book MM , p. 558 (1857, excluding graveyard); Book 37, pp 16-17 (1912); Book 345 pp 74-78 (1973, boundary) (VF – Pasquotank).
1802: Deed for about one-half acre at Symonds Creek in Pasquotank County for a burial ground. 1856: Discontinued, house vacant. 1857: Land and house sold, except for the burial ground. 1870: A committee was appointed to care for the (eastern) graveyards (PA).
1912: Deed of 3 acres dated 10-1-1912, bought back by NCYM (refers to 1857 sale), Pasquotank Co. Book 37, p. 16 (D).
1913-14: New meeting house built (under Piney Woods MM). 1929: A portion of the property was deeded to Junior Order of Mechanics of Elizabeth City so they could erect a monument for the first school house in N.C. 1937-41: Meeting house sold, to be moved. 1947: Historical marker erected. 1972-74: Land surveyed and deeds recorded in Elizabeth City. (PA)
1972: Two properties combined, in Nixonton Township, Pasquotank Co.; refers to 1802, 1857 and 1912 deeds (D).
1973: Agreement adjusting boundaries dated 6-20-1973, includes site of first meeting house and cemetery, 1705, and site of first public school in N.C.
Survey: None. Early Quakers did not believe in marking graves.
Other resources at Quaker Archives: Photos of the last meeting house and historical marker, select memorials (religious obituaries) (VF –Pasquotank). See also Little River.
Last known ownership and care: (2008) NCYM. As of 1999, two oldest plats of graves had been destroyed and encroachment threatened. A neighbor was taking care of the two acres of grass. (CC: Eastern Quarter file and Wayne Co. and Richmond Co. file)