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Quaker Cemeteries

Unknown Quaker cemetery

Location: Union County, South Carolina

SurveyUnion County Cemeteries, Epitaphs of 18th and 19th Century Settlers in Union County, South Carolina and Their Descendants, by Mrs. E.D. Whaley, Sr. (Greenville, SC: A Press, Inc., 1976), p. 168.
Find A Grave: https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/1990186/quaker-cemetery

Current ownership and care: unknown. 

Union Monthly Meeting (Muddy Creek)

Location: Forsyth County, N.C.  “One mile south of Kernersville on north side of C.R. 2640 (Whicker Rd.), 0.4 mile west of intersection with C.R. 2643 (Union Cross Rd.). N36o 06’ 06” – w80o 05’ 18” (VF, Forsyth book below).

Handwritten directions, 1974: About 2 miles south of Kernersville, N.C., Forsyth Co. “Exit Kernersville via old Salisbury Road. Continue across [Insterstate 40] and turn Right on Wicker Road. Continue about a mile. Cemetary [sic] on right of road in edge of wooded area.” (VF-Deep River) 

Timeline: Started ca. 1771. PM 1785 under Deep River MM. MM  1818. Laid down 1834 with members transferred to Dover MM (Hinshaw, Weeks). 1841: Union Meeting house in then Stokes Co. sold. 1859: Meeting for Sufferings looking into property, deed not found. 1860: Eight of ten acres sold, keeping two acres for burying ground. 1904: Unsigned deed for part of a property in Kernersville known as Muddy Creek Meeting received; proposing a lot to be sold (PA).

SurveyForsyth County, North Carolina Cemetery Records, Vol. II, edited by Donald W. Stanley, with Ann E. Sheek and Hazell R. Hartman (Winston-Salem, NC: 1976).  Quaker Ref F 262.F7 S82
Annotated survey by David M. Caranci, 2018 (VF)
List of graves, 1973 (VF). Copies from book with burials, 1973 (CC: Muddy Creek).
Cemetery Census: http://cemeterycensus.com/nc/fors/cem022.htm
Find A Grave: https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2255495/muddy-creek-friends-cemetery

Other resources at Quaker Archives: None besides list above.

Current ownership and care: Unknown

Union Cross Monthly Meeting

Location: 2533 Union Cross Church Rd, Yadkinville, Yadkin County, N.C.

Timeline: Started 1888 under East Bend MM, later PM under Deep Creek MM. MM 1911 (Hill). 1887: YM approved buying Union Cross School House, 3 miles west of Forbush, Yadkin Co., if the cost not exceed $30. [1890s] YM approved Deep Creek to sell old meeting house at Union Cross (PA).
1887: Deed of 2 and ½ acres in Fall Creek Township to NCYM Trustees, dated 10-27-1887, Yadkin Co. Book K(?), p. 239 (land located on Yadkinville Rd.) (D). 

Survey: Cemetery Census: (2007) http://cemeterycensus.com/nc/yadk/cem006.htm
Find A Grave: https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2243768/union-cross-friends-meeting-cemetery

Other resources at Quaker Archives: Typed history, photos (VF)

Current ownership and care: Active monthly meeting

Union Hill Monthly Meeting

Location: 2315 Red Brush Rd., Mount Airy, Surry County, N.C.

Timeline: MM 1911 (Hill). 1891: Deed for one acre to Trustees of NCYM, dated 8-15-1891, Surry County Book 27, p. 391 (D). 1957: Deed transferred to MM so they could borrow money for a new meetinghouse, to be returned to NCYM Trustees when loan paid (PA).

Survey: Find A Grave: https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2222094/union-hill-friends-church-cemetery

Other resources at Quaker Archives: meetinghouse photos, mss history (VF)

Current ownership and care: Active monthly meeting

Uwharrie Particular Meeting

Location: Lassiter Mill Road, Randolph County, N.C. Approximately four miles south of Science Hill MM. Coordinates 35.602398N, 79.955688W.

Timeline: Started 1793 under Back Creek MM. Laid down ca. 1870 (Weeks). 1865: Deed for 16 acres at Uarhee meeting in Randolph Co. to overseer (Quakers), Book 6, p. 204. 1865: Looking into condition of meeting house and titles. 1867: Meeting house reroofed (PA).

SurveyRandolph County Cemetery Records, Vol. I, Southwestern Section, edited by Laverne Brady Davis (Asheboro, NC: Randolph County Genealogical Society, 1996), pp 83-85 (surveyed 1994).  Quaker Ref F 262.R2 R34 
Find A Grave: https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/2333005

Other resources at Quaker Archives: ms: Morrison, Brady, “A Brief Synopsis of the History of Uwharrie Friends Meeting,” 2009. Historical marker, photos (2009), plat. ms: Teague, Bobbie T.  “Uwharrie Friends Cemetery.” Postcard and sketch of old Uwharrie meeting house.  Genealogies of Pike, Doan, and Stuart families (CC). Letters about and Photos of Uwharrie cemetery in Eleanor Bell papers, MS 572.

Current ownership and care: Unknown